Barefoot Hikers of PA

Hiking As Nature Intended

TRIP REPORT: New York City, July 2000


LOCATION: New York City, NY, USA  (Manhattan)

TIME: All Day

CONDITIONS: Warm and Sunny, temps in the 80s F

PARTICIPANTS: Barefoot Chris, Spencer Holman, Rebecca Linke, Liz Reach, Kathy Reach

TV FEATURE:  This trip was organized after the DSS (now Society for Barefoot Living) was featured in the New York Times. ABC's Good Morning America wanted to do a short feature on barefooters, so we obliged and let a camera crew follow us for the day. Special thanks to our team of TV folks: Max Culhane (producer, interviewer), Adam Shanker and David Torres (the"crew") We appeared on Good Morning America on August 01, 2000!

Photo File

Barefoot group in NYC with Bull Statue
No Bull--You can Go Barefoot in NYC! 
Barefoot group in NYC with Fountain
Here we are......but missing the "sole" of our celebrity.
Barefoot Group in NYC with Good Morning America Camera Crew
The TV Crew (The ones in shoes)
ABC Studio in Times Square
The ABC Studio in Times Square
Barefoot group in NYC in Greenwich Village
Walking in the Village....shoe-free! (Something you actually saw there regularly years ago!)
Barefoot Group on NYC Subway Platform
Waiting for the on the platform.
Barefoot Becca shows her bare sole under the What Lies Beneath marquee on Broadway
Barefoot on Broadway...Playful Becca shows us "what lies beneath" after a day of barefooting in the Big Apple.
NASDAQ Billboard on Times Square
On Times Square
Barefoot Becca waits on NYC subway platform
Where ya heading?